New old Radio Times cover

Planet of the Dead original Radio Times cover Who? What? Where?

I hope this gives you some small pleasure.

(Oh, and right-click and open in a new tab or window to see the full-size version.)

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  1. Lewis Maddox’s avatar

    What? No Zarbi in the background? :p

    But yeah, it’s awesome! You should dedicate some more time to this sort of art! <3


  2. ANDY HACKETT’s avatar

    LMAO! Brilliant Colin, who else but Diana Rigg, would it have been!? :) Great as always.


  3. Dave R’s avatar

    Genius. Like Homer says, it’s funny cos it’s true. So much of RTD’s stuff is rooted in the old seasons 1 and 2.


  4. Jonathan Blum’s avatar

    …Oh my God, that’s perfect!

    I’d just done a riff on PotD as the Delta and the Bannermen of the new show, but yours is frighteningly even better…
